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GPS Marks® At A Glance

  • Continuous supervision on your vehicles and personnel
  • Supervision on the routes travelled by your fleet
  • Managing employees working out of the company
  • Reports stop and motion locations & times
  • Reports arrival/departures to specified zones

AutoCare At a Glance

  • Vehicle maintenance system.
  • Inform you of periodical maintenance services based on vehicle odometer or engine work time.
  • Inform you by email and SMS.
  • Record and report of maintenance costs.
  • Automatically reading odometer and engine work time from gps tracking system.

GPS Marks News

Bug Fixes and Improvements

The following bug fixes and improvements added to GPS Marks map page.

  • Issue with showing map in iPhone mobiles fixed.
  • Mouse wheel zoom out and zoom in map.
  • Double click on any point on Map will result in zoom in on that pint.

New Features and Improvements

We are glad to announce that the following features and improvements added to our software with the update that we had today on Sep 04 2014.

  • Polygon geozone support added to our software.
  • Auto complete selection list for selecting vehicles to track on map.
  • Map popup window improvement.
  • Improving page arrangements to support major internet browsers such as Firefox,Internet Explorer,Google Chrome and Opera.
  • Android friendly pages that you can track your vehicles anywhere you have access to GPRS or 3G on your mobile phone.